Monday, January 31, 2011

A girl and her horse

Seems to be a familiar occurrence on a ranch that shows a girl is growing up into an adult when they get to help break their new colt. Our oldest daughter who turned 13 last November has just started that journey. Her horse Scooter is her baby. She got to see him born one summer morning and has been his companion ever sense. So it was no surprise that when it came time to start breaking him Bibble wanted all in. Not too sure that Mom was as ready, but I think that is just the nature of mom's.

This past Friday was a perfect day, warm and the ground in the barn yard was finally dry enough. So after schooling for the girls and Dad was on his way back to the house Bibble went down to get Scooter ready for his first time with a blanket and saddle. She had been working with Scooter over the winter getting him use to a halter and being able to catch him and both her and her horse where ready for the next lesson.

Everything went well, Scooter took to the blanket after a few sniffs and a couple of starts but in the end Bibble could get the blanket on and off with no problems.

Then Dad brought out the saddle for a try. I'm not sure who was more surprised; Bibble, me or Scooter but he just stood there as polite as could be for that saddle to be put on and cinched up. He tried once or twice to jump around, can't really call it bucking, but that didn't last and by the end he was content to just walk around with Bibble in the lead, talking to him all the time.

I think that horse would follow her anywhere as long as she was talking to him!

1 comment:

  1. Aw, I loved this post! I loved doing the ground work.


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