I was recently asked by fellow blogger and ag mom to write a funny tale of something that happened to me as a ranch wife and about how crazy our lives can be sometimes. The story that ended up being the one is of when I broke my finger bottle feeding a calf. Yes that is right I broke a bone feeding a calf a bottle! You can read that story by visiting
Farichild Farmgirl's blog.
That is not the only time that life has gotten crazy around here. Here are a few more examples:
Life on a ranch can be crazy busy at time and just plain
crazy at others. I have learned this the hard way over the last 5 years that I
have been a rancher’s wife. I did not grow up on a ranch; my dad was in the
military. Sure it was in Texas so I was around horses and cows and always
dreamed of being a rancher’s wife. The reality however is very different from
the dream, but better.
So how crazy does it get? Well when I was still working in
town at the local high school the hubby called one late spring afternoon to
tell me to get home, there was a wild fire moving to the bottom end of the
ranch that had all of our cattle in the pasture. I’m still not sure if I told
anyone why I was running out of the office in the middle of the day! I’m pretty
sure I hollered, something about fire, cattle, the hubby and I have to go! Good
thing about living in a small town, they are pretty forgiving on things like
Two years ago now, the girls and I were getting ready to
head to town for a small concert at a local church when the hubby called and
said to bring a bottle and towels to the pasture below the house. I knew then
that we had a baby whose momma either didn’t make it or was not able to get up
and we needed to take care of it until she was able. Well needless to say there
went the concert, I had a calf living in my kitchen and living room for 2 weeks
and then in the back yard for 3 months. That calf, Dot, is now a 2 year old
heifer and will still follow me where ever I go and I can call her by name
across a pasture and she will run to me!
Here is Dot just a few hours old in the kitchen
here she is at a year old. Still loves to be petted any chance she gets |
As to the just plain crazy, well between me getting bucked
off horses, breaking a finger bottle feeding a calf, getting chased by pigs, wild dogs, broken water lines, cows breaking
down fences the night before branding and the morning of shipping, things can
and will get a little crazy on a ranch. But if it didn’t then it wouldn’t be
The funny part is a I was writing this the other day the phone rang and it was the hubby. He and our oldest were riding the pasture and moving the cows to water when he found a calf we had been looking for since the momma had died a few days before. I was just finishing up so I could go to town, run some errands and make my lunch appointment for my business. So the little one and I loaded up in the truck and off to the pasture we went to bring the baby back to the house. Got the baby home, in the pen and all set up, cleaned up and off to town we went. You just never know what your day will bring on a ranch.